Great Turan State

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Sublime State of Turan
دولت علیّه توران
Dowlat-e Âliyye-ye Turân
Flag of Turan
Location of Hasanistan.png
Official languagesHasani
5 languages
GovernmentHereditary Islamic caliphate
• Başbuğ
Hasan Çakar
Chase Nanatovich
Establishment10 March 2022
• 2020 estimate
• 2021 census
CurrencyNone (de jure)

The Sublime State of Turan (Ottoman Turkish: Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i Turan, Hasani: Turan Yüje Devleti), colloquially known as Turan, is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Gurkaniye has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon. Gurkaniye is the successor state of Hasanistan, which re-organised into the Gurkani state on 10 March 2022.[1]

Turanis a culturally Turco-Persian nation-state and regards itself as the successor state of the Timurid Empire, with its ruling dynasty claiming to be a descendant branch of the Timurid dynasty. Islam is the predominant religion of its citizenry and the state religion, having proclaimed itself as a caliphate with Sharia as its legal system. The state promotes Hanafism as the predominant school of jurisprudence and Maturidism as the predominant school of theology ("Aqidah"), while the Naqshbandi order is the state and royal Sufi path with the Caliph being initiated as a legitimate sheikh.


Hasanistan is intended to be literally translated to mean the "Land of the Hasanis". The name of Hasanistan can be divided into two components: the ethnonym "Hasani" and the Persian "-stan" suffix.

The ethnonym Hasani is derived from the Arabic word "ḥasuna" (حَسُنَ) which means beautiful. The etymological origin of Hasani has been a heavily disputed topic. The most popular theory is that the ethnonym itself is derived from the name of the founder of Hasanistan Hasan Çakar. A revisionist theory pushed during the Qaragüliyyâh period posited that the ethnonym derived from the name of Hasan ibn Ali, an Imam of Shia Islam and one of the sons of Ali.



Hasanistan unilaterally seceded from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Bahrain on 7 September 2011.[2] Following the secession, an autocratic government led by the country's founder, Hasan Çakar, ruled the country for three years. The authoritarian government collapsed on 9 June 2013, following a political crisis between the government and elements of the military, and democratic reforms were implemented transforming Hasanistan into a democratic republic.[3] On 11 August 2016, Hasanistan became a territory of the Empire of Pavlov,[4] where it remained until Pavlov dissolved in 2017.[5] Following the dissolution of Pavlov, Hasanistan experienced an unstable period of independence for two months until it joined the Expansive Realm of Khorașan.[6] Hasanistan remained a territory of Khorașan for nearly a month until it unilaterally seceded due to instability and infighting within the Khorașani government.[7] Hasanistan became a monarchy under former Pavlovian emperor Deñiz in late 2019[8] and was incorporated among other realms he ruled over into the Tsardom of Montescano in early April 2020.[9] Later in the same month, during a political dispute between the Monarchy and Prime Minister, Hasanistan seceded from Montescano,[10] abolished the monarchy and re-established itself as an independent republic.[11]


Administrative divisions


Foreign relations




References and notes



External links


General information