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Mief'je (MIEF-JAE) was a language proposed as an alternate language in the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein. It was created as a proposed Shadyvinkensteiner language but it was never implemented due to its complicated pronunciations and heavy use of Apostrophe's. Most of the words aswell scripts where lost. With a few surviving words being known such as "ant" (mief'je hence the name of the language) and Erdum (Earth, altough it refered to Shadyvinkenstein directly as opposed to planet earth). It is closly related to Vroopan but had little to no connection to it

It is written in a form of the Dutch alphabet. Though it also had an alternate writing system that was lost to time The total number of words in the inscriptions is about 6. It is not even certain that the inscriptions are all in one language.

A movement to restore Mief'je speak is known as Neomiefism

Sample text

The best-known Mief'je inscriptions

Mief'jes bazh't, Erdum (The ants bathe in the earth)
Patotabikoh'e hahah'ahh he obo'ba hn'ghh yeneoal'olalo hajhjh'hhhhh (The kingdom stands the glory of time)