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A world map consisting of Shadyvinkensteiner State Propospals

The Relocation of Shadyvinkenstein, also colloquially referred to as the Reclamation of Shadyvinkensteiner Statehood by the Shadyvinkenstein Salvation Movement (SSM), is an enduring proposal initiated subsequent to the exile of the Shadyvinkensteiner nation in 2010. This ongoing endeavor encompasses a global exploration for a new homeland, marked by extensive deliberations and proposals since its inception.

The Shadyvinkensteiner national homeland traditionally pertained to the territorial confines of the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein. However, as of the year 2023, this territorial identity has undergone a paradigm shift. The contemporary homeland is now situated within a privately owned and inaccessible area, adding a distinctive dimension to the relocation efforts. Numerous locations worldwide have been suggested as potential sites for the relocation of Shadyvinkenstein, each subject to rigorous debate within the Shadyvinkensteiner community. While some proposals have garnered considerable attention and consideration, others have languished without implementation or even formal suggestion.

Arbor Lignum

Arbor Lignum was a micronation that emerged from a period of transition within the sovereign entity known as Shadyvinkenstein. On 21 August 2016, the Shadyvinkensteiner government proposed a comprehensive transformation, including a change in the nation's name. This initiative allowed citizens to submit suggestions for the new name, resulting in Shady Morsi's proposal of "New Batavia," which was subsequently adopted as the state's new nomenclature.

Following the name change, the government implemented largely cosmetic constitutional modifications. Notable alterations included the revision of the National Anthem, changes to military symbols, and the official abolition of capital punishment. However, the era of New Batavia proved to be short-lived, as the creators eventually grew dissatisfied with the name and the direction it represented.

Shady Morsi, who concurrently worked as a teacher's assistant at his former elementary school, saw an opportunity to revive Shadyvinkenstein. However, this resurrection took on an altered form, with an alternative name and the establishment of the nation on MicroWikia. Despite these efforts, Arbor Lignum failed to capture the interest of the Shadyvinkensteiner populace, and the nation experienced a quiet demise. The once-prominent Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein was relegated to the annals of history, as Arbor Lignum faded away, marking the end of an intriguing but short-lived chapter in micronational history.

Shadyvinkisteini revisionism emerged as a significant challenge during this period, with concerns about the nation's unserious nature and the unwieldy size of its name. In response to these issues, Shady Morsi proclaimed the establishment of Arbor Lignum on February 2, 2018. Subsequently, on February 10, the monarchy was abolished in favor of a directional state. By June 15th, 2018, access to the original territory of Shadyvinkenstein was restricted, due to Morsi retiring as a teachers assistant. Marking the end of an era for Shadyvinkensteiner citizens.


Near Shadyvinkenstein

Claims proposed and investigated by the TCRTF (in yellow) in contrast to the original Kingdom of Shadyinkenstein (in white)

The Temporary Committee for the Reclamation of the Fatherland (TCRTF) was a parliamentary committee established by the Parliament-in exile to explore the feasibility of relocating the nation of Shadyvinkenstein a few miles from its original territory. The TCRTF was formed with representation from each major political party, including one member from the SSP, one from SSM, and one non-affiliated member elected by other non-affiliated peers. Additionally, an appointed member joined the committee, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive approach to the investigation.

The formation of the committee, however, faced an early challenge when the SSM promptly withdrew their representative. This decision was based on the party's stance, asserting a commitment to the "Total liberation of Shadyvinkenstein's ancestral homeland." In response to the withdrawal, a non-partisan individual was appointed to fill the vacancy.

Throughout its tenure, the TCRTF engaged in a thorough examination of the potential relocation, considering both the logistical and ethical implications of moving Shadyvinkenstein to a new location a few miles away from its original territory. The committee's findings and recommendations, once concluded, contributed to the broader discourse on national identity, territory, and the challenges associated with reclamation initiatives. Shadyvinkenstein, a location that remained elusive despite numerous charted and discovered areas, presented a unique challenge in establishing a credible claim. The difficulty arose from the fact that the surrounding lands were predominantly private residences, school properties, or otherwise inaccessible. Various proposals were put forth, but further exploration revealed the formidable task of gaining access and control over the elusive territory.

The Island in question. Dubbed the Isle of Hope mapped in 2011 (left) and 2023 (right)

Amidst challenging circumstances, an overlooked island in close proximity to Shadyvinkenstein, referred to as the Isle of Hope, emerged as a significant discovery for the Transcontinental Research and Territorial Foundation (TCRTF). This revelation marked a pivotal moment in the comitees's pursuit of strategic opportunities. Recognizing the untapped potential of this previously unnoticed island, the TCRTF formulated the hypothesis that it could serve as an ideal location for the establishment of a reconstituted Shadyvinkensteiner nation. This bold proposition became the focal point of the TCRTF's efforts to secure a sustainable future for the Shadyvinkenstein community. To substantiate this visionary concept, a dedicated task force was mobilized to verify the existence of the island. Given that the island did not appear on older maps, its inclusion in the contemporary cartographic record became a critical aspect of the TCRTF's initiative. If the island's existence is confirmed, it could bolster Shadyvinkenstein's claim to independence, especially if historical records indicate that the island had never been charted before.

This potential scenario could further strengthen Shadyvinkenstein's position, as it implies that the island remained unnoticed and unclaimed by external entities, including the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Such an assertion would underscore Shadyvinkenstein's historical and geographical distinctiveness, potentially laying the groundwork for a unique and independent nation.

The TCRTF's exploration and verification process thus represent a crucial phase in the pursuit of Shadyvinkenstein's aspirations for autonomy. As the task force endeavors to uncover the truth about the Isle of Hope, the implications of this discovery on Shadyvinkenstein's historical narrative and quest for independence remain eagerly anticipated.

Hasanistan region


An alternate flag of Shadyvinkenstein proposed by Shady Morsi. if the nation relocated to Konraq

The re-establishment of the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein in the former nation of Konraq was a strategic preference championed by Shady Morsi,. Morsi advocated for the revival of Shadyvinkenstein within Konraq, a region that had remained unclaimed for an extended period. The rationale behind this decision was rooted in the historical context of Shadyvinkenstein as a perennially small state, invariably surrounded by larger geopolitical entities, notably the Great Turan State (GTS). Morsi put forth the argument that Konraq was an ideal location for Shadyvinkenstein's resurgence, emphasizing the presence of neighboring states such as the Great Turan State and Mahuset. These neighboring entities held significance not only geopolitically but also as key allies personally affiliated with Morsi, who wielded influence in both the GTS and Mahuset.

However, a substantial portion of the populace, particularly within the Shadyvinkensteiner Salvation Movement, expressed reluctance to be associated with the historical complexities of Konraq. Konraq, having its own set of issues, garnered criticism for its historical baggage. Some detractors contended that establishing a predominantly Germanic-influenced state in Central Asia, (though the historical exception of the short-lived territory of Bergenpunt and Dachenian Hasanistan aswell Mahuset's posessions), was an unconventional choice. The proposed revival of the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein in Konraq thus sparked debates and discussions within both the Shadyvinkensteiner community and the broader geopolitical landscape. The deliberations encompassed considerations of historical ties, cultural influences, and the pragmatic challenges of resurrecting a state within the intricate context of the former nation of Konraq.


Adam Benabou who was both involved in the SVSGIE and Konraq and Kökqoyunlu proposed the "Kingdom of New Shadyvinkenstein" to be located in former Kökqoyunlu

The annexation of the former territory of the Republic of Kökqoyunlu. The proponent of this audacious proposal was none other than Edem Benabou, the Secretary to the President-in Exile and concurrently the Chairman of the House of Citizens of former Konraq and Kökqoyunlu

Benabou's proposition rested on the expansive dimensions of Kökqoyunlu, contending that its vast expanse provided an ideal canvas for the reestablishment of a Shadyvinkensteiner nation. The proposal gained prominence as Benabou articulated the notion that the sheer size of Kökqoyunlu offered boundless opportunities for the flourishing of a new sovereign entity. However, in a nuanced acknowledgment of geopolitical realities, Benabou emphasized a crucial caveat. Specifically, he highlighted that the Kazakh segment of Kökqoyunlu, denoted as the upperlands, stood as a restricted area for the Shadyvinkensteiner claim. This restriction emanated from the presence of military facilities in the region, thus rendering it unsuitable for inclusion in the envisioned Shadyvinkensteiner nation. In light of this, Benabou advised a more targeted approach, recommending the assertion of Shadyvinkensteiner sovereignty exclusively over the Kyrgyz part of Kökqoyunlu. This strategic adjustment reflected a pragmatic recognition of the geopolitical landscape and military considerations,

However, not all factions welcomed the relocation idea. The Shadyvinkenstein Socialist Movement, advocating for the reclamation of the original homeland, voiced strong opposition. They contended that the Shadyvinkensteiner elite had capitulated to relocation, abandoning a liberation struggle for the preservation of their ancestral lands, rivers, trees, and sacred territories. Critics drew parallels between the Shadyvinkenstein relocation proposal and a prior controversial initiative, Konraq. Similar to Konraq, detractors argued that the move reflected a departure from a commitment to its Germanic Nation. Comparisons were also drawn with the historical context of Kökqoyunlu, where the level of controversy was deemed less significant. Kökqoyunlu had been claimed by only four nations, minimizing the historical baggage associated with the proposed relocation, in stark contrast to the Konraqi propospal.


the proposed "Shadyvinkensteiner Community" in Hasanistan and Asterland

Vice-President of the SVSGIE, Timo Vink gained attention for his proposal advocating the creation of the "Shadyvinkensteiner Autonomy" within the territorial boundaries of Hasanistan. The proposition sparked a significant discourse within the micronational community and beyond. The proposal, while showcasing Vink's vision for regional autonomy, also raised eyebrows and invited criticism from various quarters. Chief among the critics was Speaker Annemarie Roos, who likened the proposal to the concept of "bantustans," drawing parallels to the controversial policy implemented in South Africa during the apartheid era. Simultaneously, Vink expressed a welcoming stance towards assimilation within his primary micronation, Asterland. This approach highlighted a nuanced perspective on governance and autonomy, with Vink navigating the delicate balance between regional self-determination and integration.

In response to the criticism, Timo Vink's brother, Colin Vink, suggested that the Shadyvinkensteiner Autonomy proposal may have been intended as a "joke proposal." This revelation added a layer of complexity to the ongoing discourse, prompting further speculation about the sincerity and seriousness of the proposition.



Steins Propospal for a Shadyvinkensteiner nation

Stein Dros, a key figure in the establishment of Shadyvinkenstein, proposed the relocation of the micronation to Antarctica, a decision that showcased his forward-thinking approach to micronationalism. Although no longer actively participating in the micronational community, Dros's influence persisted through his endorsement of the Antarctic relocation idea. Notably, his sister Fleur Dros communicated to the parliament that Stein Dros not only supported the move to Antarctica but also contemplated distancing Shadyvinkenstein from other micronational claims. Dros said that it was not only a strategic move but also a means of ensuring that Shadyvinkenstein's modest territorial claim would not encroach upon other micronations. The proposal aligns with the ethos that Shadyvinkenstein, as envisioned by its founders, would always remain a small state, a fact acknowledged by Dros himself. Shadyvinkenstein's proposed Antarctic claim is situated in a diminutive mountainous area in Wilkes Land, proximate to the A. B. Dobrowolski Polar Station. Recognized by the Parliament-in-exile as the "most credible claim for Shadyvinkenstein," the location underscores the micronation's commitment to a tangible and credible presence in the remote and challenging Antarctic environment.


Shady Morsi's cousin. Tahaa Fouad's proposal revolves around the assertion of ownership over the planet Mars and all of its natural satellites. This extraordinary proposition stems from his belief that, given the challenges surrounding the original homeland claims, a grander and more celestial endeavor should be pursued. According to Fouad, the vast expanse of Mars, along with its moons, represents an untapped frontier for territorial claims.

Virtual Nation