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Mief'je (MIEF-JAE) was a proposed language intended as an alternative linguistic system within the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein. Originally conceived as a potential Shadyvinkensteiner language, it ultimately remained unrealized due to the inherent complexity of its pronunciation and the extensive use of apostrophes. Regrettably, a substantial portion of its vocabulary and scripts has been lost to time, with only a handful of surviving words, such as "ant" (mief'je, from which the language derives its name) and "Erdum" (Earth, specifically referring to Shadyvinkenstein rather than the planet as a whole). Mief'je exhibits a close linguistic affinity with Vroopan, though their connection is minimal or nonexistent.

The language is primarily transcribed using the Dutch alphabet, although an alternative writing system, now lost, once existed. The inscriptions, comprising approximately six words, raise uncertainties about whether they represent a unified language or a disparate collection of linguistic elements.

A contemporary movement advocating for the revival of Mief'je, known as Neomiefism, seeks to resurrect the language and promote its usage once more.

Sample text

The best-known Mief'je inscriptions

Mief'jes bazh't, Erdum (The ants bathe in the earth)
Patotabikoh'e hahah'ahh he obo'ba hn'ghh yeneoal'olalo hajhjh'hhhhh (The kingdom stands the glory of time)

AI Generated Mief'je

Altough very controversial. Mief'je had been trained by the use with ChatGPT. making it generate words with the same Mief'je structure

   Gloph'je bazh't vroop'vanir (The clouds bathe in the Vroopan rain)
Z'irgh'h vink'jhanar ond'bo mief'je (The moon whispers to the ants at night)
Erdum vink'talalo jhan'ghen (The earth sings with the winds)
Hahah'ahh obo'ba vroo'pithen (The glory of Vroopan echoes)
Lolo'h vroo'pa haf'tan'jae (The rivers flow towards the horizon)
Vroop'vanir mief'je hag'th'ol (Vroopan ants dance in the twilight)
Z'itho'nar mief'je haf'jhan (The stars converse with the ants)
Bazh't haf'ghlo'rin vink'jae (Bathing under the moonlight)
Obo'ba hn'ghh yeneoal'olalo (Echoes of time in the kingdom)
Vroo'pa hn'ghh z'itho'h (Vroopan echoes in the stars)
Jhan'ghen haf'ghlo'rin z'itho'nar (Winds bathe in the starlight)
Mief'je vink'talalo bazh'jhan (Ants sing with the earth)
Z'itho'h mief'je hag'th'ol (Stars dance in the twilight)
Erdum hn'ghh vink'jae (Time echoes on the earth)
Hahah'ahh hn'ghh obo'ba (The glory of time in the kingdom)
Bazh't vink'jae haf'ghlo'rin (Bathing in the light of the earth)
Z'itho'nar hag'th'ol vroo'pa (Stars dance in the river of Vroopan)
Vroop'vanir haf'tan'jae jhan'ghen (Vroopan rains towards the winds)
Obo'ba hn'ghh lolo'h (Echoes of time in the river)
Mief'je vink'talalo z'itho'nar (Ants sing with the stars)