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====Kingdom of Schythia====
====Kingdom of Schythia====
{{Short description|Ancient Egyptian dynasty}}{{Infobox former country
| conventional_long_name = Kingdom of Schythia
| era                    =
| image_flag            =
| alt_flag              =
| flag_caption          =
| capital                = Ternis
| religion              = Lizardism
| government_type        = Absolute monarchy
| year_end              = 2012
| year_start            = 2011
| common_languages      = Dutch
| p1                    = Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein
| s1                    =
| p2                    =
| today                  =
}}Tge "Kingdom of Schythia" was born out of a desire for autonomy and a declaration of independence from both Shadyvinkenstein and the Netherlands, Schythia stood as a separatist monarchy under the leadership of Rick Keizer. Among the various Shadyvinkensteiner partisan kingdoms that sprouted in the absence of central governance, Schythia distinguished itself as the strongest and largest. Strategically positioned in the western reaches of the narrows, a region now known as Dalmace, Schythia remained veiled from casual observation by expansive bushes that shrouded its borders. This geographical advantage played a crucial role in the kingdom's relative timeline of peace, shielding it from external interference and providing a secure foundation for the consolidation of its sovereignty.
Under Rick Keizer's leadership, Schythia not only asserted its autonomy but also engaged in territorial disputes and power struggles. In an audacious move, Keizer attempted to breach the restricted zone, challenging the established norms and confronting the formidable Girls Clique. The ensuing conflict, marked by both military and diplomatic maneuvers, resulted in Schythia's defeat. Despite this setback, the Kingdom of Schythia persevered, adapting its strategies and retaining its status as a prominent player in the Shadyvinkensteiner political landscape.
Beyond the conflicts, Schythia sought economic viability and diplomatic recognition. The kingdom actively traded with the Shadyvinkensteiner Government in exile, establishing economic ties and securing a lifeline for essential resources. This diplomatic engagement not only provided Schythia with a means of sustaining its independence but also garnered acknowledgment from the Shadyvinkensteiner Government in exile, which promised full independence in the event of a Shadyvinkensteiner restoration.
====Kingdom of Patik====
====Kingdom of Patik====
====Republic of Drussia====
====Republic of Drussia====

Revision as of 10:19, 1 December 2023

Elementary Years of Discontent
A map of the various warring factions
LocationShadyvinkenstein, Leo Kanner School, Oegstgeest

Ended as most participants left LKS

  • Gamer Club seperated in Gamer Club and the Gamers Club
  • Formation and Destruction of the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein
  • Shadyvinkensteiner Border Guard formed and removes non-Shadyvinkensteiners from its territory
  • Shadyvinkenstein declared as a restricted area by the school staff
  • Formation of the Republic of Drussia,, Kingdom of Katayra and Schythia and the Shadyvinkenstein Government in exile
  • Start of various attempts to retake Shadyvinkenstein
  • Start of various conflicts between cliques
  • Formation and destruction of the Child Bullying Service
GameClub logo.png Gamer Club Loyalists
Beyblade X Korean Logo.png Beyblade Club
Flag of Shadyvinkenstein.png Shadyvinkenstein
Flag of Shadyvinkenstein.png
Shadyvinkenstein-in exile
Flag of the Tradtionalists.png White Shadyvinkenstein
Pirate Flag of Jack Rackham.svg Child Bullying Service Under Simon Volgelaar
Flag of Dolmenia.png Proto-Dolmenia
GameClub logo.png Gamer Club Secessionists
Female symbol.svg Girls Clique
Female symbol.svg Girls Clique
Flag of the Reformists.png Red Shadyvinkenstein
Female symbol.svg Girls Clique
LKS2010logo.jpg Leo Kanner School Staff

Independent/Neutral (2010-2012) Shadyvinkensteiner partisan kingdoms

  • Kingdom of Kaytara
  • Kingdom of Patik
  • Kingdom of Schythia
  • Republic of Drussia

Female symbol.svg Lovely Girls Clique
Football Fans

Pirate Flag of Jack Rackham.svg Child Bullying Service

The Elementary Years of Discontent (Dutch: Basischooljaren van Ontevredenheid) marked a tumultuous chapter in the early history of the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein. This series of conflicts unfolded before, during, and after the formation of the kingdom, characterized by intense power struggles primarily between two rival factions. The central players in this drama were the founders of Shadyvinkenstein on one side, and a formidable alliance formed by the school's female students, who coalesced into a cohesive group known as the girls' clique. Amidst this complex narrative, numerous third factions emerged, opting either to abstain from taking sides or engaging in conflict with all parties involved.

The historiography of this era remains contentious due to several factors. Firstly, scholars and historians debate the appropriateness of employing the term "Years of Discontent" to encapsulate a protracted and intricate period in Shadyvinkensteiner history. This designation, while convenient for summarization, oversimplifies the nuanced dynamics at play during this time. The period in question featured both extended stretches of relative stability and persistent episodes of internal strife, with intermittent bouts of civil conflict.

The conflicts were not solely characterized by political or power struggles but also encompassed social dynamics, reflecting the broader socio-cultural landscape of Shadyvinkenstein during its formative years. Shady Morsi and his friends, driven by their vision for the kingdom, clashed with the united front of the girls' clique, whose motivations were equally rooted in a desire for influence and recognition within the school's social hierarchy.

Moreover, the contested historiography stems from the challenge of reconciling disparate accounts and narratives. Witnesses and participants often offered conflicting perspectives, creating a mosaic of interpretations that makes it challenging to construct a cohesive and objective historical narrative. The Years of Discontent, therefore, present a complex tapestry of events that resist easy classification or reduction to a singular characterization. As historians delve into the archives and primary sources from this era, they grapple with the multifaceted nature of the conflicts, attempting to discern patterns, motivations, and outcomes. The debate over the utility of the term "Years of Discontent" reflects a broader scholarly conversation about the complexities of historical categorization and the need for a more nuanced understanding of this critical period in Shadyvinkensteiner history.


The conflicts during the Elementary Years of Discontent in Shadyvinkenstein were not confined to a simple binary struggle; instead, they unfolded within a complex web of factions, each vying for dominance and influence. The two primary factions, led by Shady Morsi and the girls' clique, served as the central pillars of this multifaceted struggle. However, within these main groups, internal divisions and splinter factions emerged, further complicating the landscape.

Shady Morsi's faction, initially a united front with a shared vision for the kingdom's future, experienced internal strife as differing ideologies and personal ambitions surfaced. The faction splintered into subgroups, each with its own interpretation of Shadyvinkensteiner governance. aswell with allies from the other revolting factions These internal divisions led to not only ideological clashes but also physical confrontations, as sub-factions competed for control and influence over the school's social dynamics.

On the other side, the girls' clique, while initially presenting a united front against Shady Morsi's faction, also faced internal schisms. Divergent opinions on strategies, goals, and the overall direction of their influence within the school led to fractures within the clique. Some members sought more conciliatory approaches, advocating for peaceful coexistence, while others adopted a more confrontational stance, mirroring the intensity of the broader conflicts.

Furthermore, a third category of factions emerged, composed of individuals and groups who chose neither Shady Morsi's side nor the girls' clique. These neutral factions sought to navigate the turbulent social and political climate by abstaining from direct involvement in the conflicts. Some took a pragmatic approach, aligning themselves with whichever faction seemed to hold the upper hand at a given moment, while others declared strict neutrality, aiming to avoid entanglement in the strife altogether. In addition to the internal divisions within the primary factions, some individuals opted to form entirely new groups, often driven by personal grievances, unique ideologies, or the pursuit of alternative goals. These splinter factions operated independently, occasionally aligning with one of the main factions or choosing a path of neutrality. The proliferation of these smaller factions added layers of complexity to the conflicts, as shifting alliances and allegiances became integral to the overall narrative.


Gamer Club Loyalists

Gamer Club Secessionists


Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein

Girls Clique

Lovely Girls Clique

Red Shadyvinkenstein

White Shadyvinkenstein

Kingdom of Kaytara

Kingdom of Kaytara
CapitalPatik ?
Common languagesDutch
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy under clique governance
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein

The Kingdom of Kaytara remains a subject of conjecture among historians, representing a potentially ephemeral local dynasty that purportedly held sway over segments of East Shadyvinkenstein. Believed to have existed concurrently with the Shadyvinkenstein Government in Exile and the Kingdom of Schythia between approximately 2011 and 2012, Kaytara's hypothetical dominion would have been centered in or around the eastern regions of Shadyvinkenstein. The nomenclature itself draws inspiration from Katara, a character in the acclaimed television series "Avatar: The Last Airbender."

Despite the intriguing proposition of the Kingdom of Kaytara, its existence does not enjoy unanimous acceptance within scholarly circles. Divergent opinions among historians contribute to a lack of consensus regarding the veracity of this local dynasty's historical presence. Unlike the Kingdom of Schythia, which finds mention both in oral traditions and recorded Shadyvinkensteiner history, Kaytara's alleged reign lacks such evidentiary support.

One prominent voice in support of Kaytara's historical significance is Joop, who contends that a kingdom, or perhaps a clique with quasi-regal characteristics, did indeed take shape during the speculated timeframe. Joop argues that while the Kingdom of Kaytara may not have formally declared independence, it operated as a distinct socio-political entity, albeit potentially within the confines of a clique rather than a recognized sovereign state.

The absence of oral or recorded references to the Kingdom of Kaytara in mainstream Shadyvinkensteiner historical accounts adds an additional layer of complexity to the debate. Skeptics emphasize the lack of concrete evidence and question the reliability of anecdotal claims, challenging the very premise of Kaytara's existence. The ambiguity surrounding this purported dynasty raises questions about the nature of historical narratives, the challenges of uncovering obscured or overlooked episodes, and the discernment required to navigate the interplay between fact and conjecture.

Kingdom of Schythia

Kingdom of Schythia
Common languagesDutch
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein

Tge "Kingdom of Schythia" was born out of a desire for autonomy and a declaration of independence from both Shadyvinkenstein and the Netherlands, Schythia stood as a separatist monarchy under the leadership of Rick Keizer. Among the various Shadyvinkensteiner partisan kingdoms that sprouted in the absence of central governance, Schythia distinguished itself as the strongest and largest. Strategically positioned in the western reaches of the narrows, a region now known as Dalmace, Schythia remained veiled from casual observation by expansive bushes that shrouded its borders. This geographical advantage played a crucial role in the kingdom's relative timeline of peace, shielding it from external interference and providing a secure foundation for the consolidation of its sovereignty.

Under Rick Keizer's leadership, Schythia not only asserted its autonomy but also engaged in territorial disputes and power struggles. In an audacious move, Keizer attempted to breach the restricted zone, challenging the established norms and confronting the formidable Girls Clique. The ensuing conflict, marked by both military and diplomatic maneuvers, resulted in Schythia's defeat. Despite this setback, the Kingdom of Schythia persevered, adapting its strategies and retaining its status as a prominent player in the Shadyvinkensteiner political landscape.

Beyond the conflicts, Schythia sought economic viability and diplomatic recognition. The kingdom actively traded with the Shadyvinkensteiner Government in exile, establishing economic ties and securing a lifeline for essential resources. This diplomatic engagement not only provided Schythia with a means of sustaining its independence but also garnered acknowledgment from the Shadyvinkensteiner Government in exile, which promised full independence in the event of a Shadyvinkensteiner restoration.

Kingdom of Patik

Republic of Drussia

Child Bullying Service

Child Bullying Service Rebels

LKS School Staff