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Dutch politicians

2017 Dutch Elections

Political Party Candidate Votes Elected Notes
Dutch election posters 2017 (The Municipality of Amsterdam) GP (cropped).jpg
File:D66 logo.svgGeenPijl/D66
Alexander Pechtold Yes Morsi campaigned for GeenPijl during the 2017 Dutch general election but voted D66 as a strategic vote

2022 Municipal Elections

Political Party Municipality Candidate Votes Elected Notes
N/A Flag of Schiedam.svg Schiedam N/A N/A Shady Morsi did not endorse any subsequent political party following the conclusion of his term as duo-councilor. Morsi initially sought to recruit Lex Wepster as the lijstrekker for the CU-SGP faction but was unsuccessful
ChristenUnie logo.svg ChristianUnion Zoetermeer vlag.svg Zoetermeer Anny Hutten No Appointed as a duo-councilor
Municipal Intrests Urk Urk vlag.svg Urk Hendrik Hakvoort Yes Due to disagreements with the local ChristenUnie group in Urk. Morsi tactically endorsed Municipal Intrests Urk

2023 Provincial Elections

All candidates where affiliated with the CU unless otherwise stated

Province Candidate Elected Notes
Flag of Drenthe.svg Drenthe Gerben Brandsema No
Flag of Flevoland.svg Flevoland Frangéska Hosé No
Flag of Friesland.svg Friesland Pieter van Daalen No
Flag of Gelderland.svg Gelderland Rinske den Hertog No
Flag of Groningen.svg Groningen Antrude Oudman No Appointed as comiteemember
Flag of Limburg.svg Limburg Samir el-Baramawi No
North Brabant-Flag.svg North Brabant Abigail Obispo No
Flag of North Holland.svg North Holland Natalia Cyris No
Flag of Overijssel.svg Overijssel Jonathan Sleurink No
Flag of Utrecht.svg Utrecht Siewerd de Jong No Appointed as comitteemember
Flag of Zuid-Holland.svg Zuid-Holland Makail la Rose No Later appointed as comittemember
Flag of Zeeland.svg Zeeland No endorsement N/A Morsi did not endorse a candidate in Zeeland

2023 Dutch Elections

Political Party Candidate Votes Elected Notes
ChristenUnie logo.svg ChristianUnion Stieneke van der Graaf 10.498 No Morsi was among Stieneke's most prominent advocates, actively campaigning for her inclusion in the top five positions on the list. Despite these efforts, an amendment proposed to elevate Stieneke's position was ultimately rejected by a vote of 60 to 34 percent.

2024 Euopean Elections

Political Party European Faction Election Result Notes
No Party N/A N/A Morsi did not endorse a specific candidate and didnt vote in the 2024 euro elections. Though Morsi did work on Judith Koop's personal campaign.

2026 Municipal Elections

Municipality Candidate Primary Endorsement? Election Result Notes
Flag of Amsterdam.svg Amsterdam Tim Kuijsten Yes TBA
Flag of Assen.svg Assen Jerke Setz Yes TBA
Flag of Schiedam.svg Schiedam Annelijn de Gier No Morsi hoped that Marten Cleemens, a former colleague of Morsi would run as lijstrekker but Cleemens declined to run TBA

Foreign politicians

US President

Party Candidate Year Election Result Notes
US Democratic Party Logo.svg Barack Obama 2008 Won
File:US Repbullican Party Logo.svg Mitt Romney 2012 No Due to Obama's dissapointement. Also Morsi shifted more right back then
File:US Green Party Logo.svg Jill Stein 2016 No
Various Bill Weld Republican
Mike Gravel Democratic
Justin Amash Libertarian
2020 No Primary endorsements, Shifted to Kanye West before not endorsing anyone 8 days before the election
N/A N/A 2024 N/A Morsi didnt pay much attention to the 2024 US Presidential election

Egyptian President

Party Candidate Year Election Result Notes
2018 Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Windsor) 2018 Declared invalid Due to the lack of genuine opposition in Egypt, Morsi chose to spoil his vote by writing in Elizabeth II as a candidate for president and Theresa May for vice president. Morsi reasoned to vote for the British leadership since that since at least Britain did sompthing for Egypt. Part of a trend where large number of spoilt ballot papers, possibly more than a million, involved voters crossing out both names and writing that of football player Mohamed Salah.

UK Prime Minister

Party Candidate Year Election Result Notes
Labour, LibDems, SNP, Green and more Against May 2017 Conservative Victory Morsi encouraged tactical voting against the conservatives
Labour, LibDems, SNP, Green and more Against Johnson 2019 Conservative Victory Morsi encouraged tactical voting against the conservatives
Labour Keith Starmer 2024 Labour Victory