House of Republics

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House of Republics
State Union emblem (Stel).png
Upper House of the Supreme Council
Vice President of Konraq and Kökqoyunlu
Bjorn deWitt
Scribe of the House of Republics
Ahmet. A
File:HoR composition.svg
Political groups

the House of Republics is the upper house of the Supreme Council, Each of the federal subjects of Konraq and Kökqoyunlu– consisting of 2 republics, sends three senators to the House of Republics, plus 5 religious minority appointees and 1 delegate representing foreign citizens and 1 delegate representing Uversok for a total membership of 13 Senators. For purposes of succession, the chairman of the House of Republics is the Vice President of the State Union,

the House of Republics is not directly elected, but instead chosen by the State Legislature, It respects the structure of the U.S. Senate prior to the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913.

Senators are able to retain membership to their respective parties, however they are asked not to bring party factionalism to the floor itself. The House of Republics is dominated by the opposition People's party


Seats by Region
Republic Seat Count
Konraq 3
Kökqoyunlu 3
Religious Minorities 5
Foreign Delegate 1
Uversok 1


the House of Republics is viewed as a more formal chamber of the Supreme Council. Because of its federalist design, as well as its voting franchise strictly limited to provincial elites, the Council is viewed as less volatile to radical changes. Plus like in the Konraqi Senate it has been forbidden to swear or using profanity in the House of Republics, Doing so results in explusion, This tradition goes back to the Khanate era

The House of Republics is charged in cooperating with the Supreme Council in completing and voting on draft laws. Federal laws concerning budgets, customs regulations, credit monitoring, and the ratification of international treaties are to be considered by the House of Republics after they have been adopted from the Supreme Council, where most legislation is introduced.

Special powers that accorded only to the House of Republics are:

  • Approval of changes in borders between the subjects of the State Union;
  • Approval of a decree of the President of the State Union on the introduction of martial law;
  • Approval of a decree of the President of the State Union on the introduction of a state of emergency;
  • Deciding on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Union outside the territory of the State Union;
  • Declaring of elections of the President of the State Union;
  • Impeachment of the President of the State Union;
  • Approving the president's nomination of judges of the Constitutional Court of the State Union, of the Supreme Court of the State Union, of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Federal government
  • Approving the president's nomination of the Prosecutor General of the State Union;
  • Appointment of Deputy Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounting Chamber.

For laws to pass the Federation Council, a vote of more than half of its 12 senators is required. When considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the Council's votes are required for passage. If the Council vetoes a law passed by the Supreme Council, the two chambers are mandated to form a Conciliation Committee in order to form a compromise document, which would again go under vote by both houses.


State Name (& Titles) Held office since Political party Other Functions
Konraq Ahmet. A 2021 Independent
Konraq Ugyur Karatas 2021 People's Member of the Konraq Legislative Assembly
Konraq Eddie G. 2021 Republican Alternative Party Deputy Premier of Konraq
Kökqoyunlu Abdul Faisal 2021 Independent
Kökqoyunlu Rick-Trevor Wietmarschen 2021 Independent Deputy Premier of Kökqoyunlu
Kökqoyunlu Conan Diyarbakr 2021 People's Member of the Kökqoyunlu Legislative Assembly
Jewish Senator Catholic Senator Protestant Senator Orthodox Senator Shia Senator
- Joele Bacharach T, Sloekers Hans Doorn Igor Yarpunik Muhammadreza Hagari


Committees form a key component to the structure of the Council. Sixteen committees and seven commissions exist for senators to consider legislation and policy on a number of issues ranging from foreign affairs, federal affairs, and youth and sports. Leadership in these committees are determined by the Vice President, who remains in correspondence with their findings. These committees include:

  • Committee on Constitutional Legislation
  • Committee on Judicial and Legal Affairs
  • Committee on Defence and Security
  • Budgetary Committee
  • Committee on Financial Markets and Currency Circulation
  • Foreign Affairs Committee
    • Microwiki Affairs Subcomittee
    • Pamluk Affairs Subcomittee
    • Macronational Affairs Subcomittee
  • Committee on Federal Governance
  • Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policies
  • Committee on Local Government
  • Social Policy Committee
  • Committee on Economic Policy, Business and Ownership
  • Industrial Policy Committee
  • Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
  • Committee on Food and Agricultural Policies
  • Committee for Science, Culture, Education, Public Health and Ecology
  • Committee on Ethnic Minorities
  • Commission on Standing Orders and Parliamentary Performance Organisation
  • Commission for the Council of Federation's Performance Maintenance Monitoring
  • Commission on Ways and Means of the Council of Federation's Constitutional Powers Implementation
  • Commission for Interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • Commission on Youth and Sports
  • Commission on Information Policy
  • Commission on Natural Monopolies