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Atabegate of Yezd
Motto: Mountains and Freedom
Anthem: "Blessed are the Mountains"
Location of Yezd (light green)
Location of Yezd (light green)
StatusProvisional Revolutionary entity within the State Union
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish
Ethnic groups
Yezdi 97%
Others 3%
• Atabeg
Shady Morsi
LegislatureState Council of Yezd
Internet TLD.yz

Yezd, offically the Atabegate of Yezd is a country in Western Asia, on the centre of the Hasanistan region. the nation is entirly surrounded by Gurkaniye the region is also known as Konraq had been a small area on the outskirts of Batyr city centre that had been established in 2013 on the border regions of Hasanistan before the expansion of its territorial claims later that year. Konraq-Kazakhizia (under the name Konraq) was originally a Viadalvian province established with the approval of the Hasani government. Throughout its history, Konraq had been passed through the hands of various of other "Oegstgeestian Micronations" and even experienced short periods of independence. In 2016, the Pavlovian government annexed the region (under the name of Kazakhizia) from Dachenia in the Treaty of Iskenderabat and integrated the region into Hasanistan proper. Following the collapse of Pavlov, the independent Hasani state integrated the region fully into the Province of Batyr. on August 4, 2018, The Hasani Supreme Council passes an act that grants Konraq-Kazakhizia independence as the Konraqi City State On August 29 the state reformed into the Konraq Khanate

Konraq had a new monarch after regent Mohammad Boky and his allies took over Konraq, suddently triggering a civil war, After a lot of inactivity of the Konraqi factions the area was then annexed by the now defunct Sassen Republic, . Later since the Konraq name as too tainted to use and the nation got a cultural and structual facelift remoing all refrences to Viadalvia and Turkic cultures Inactivity of the Sassen Republic and reconciliation between the various warring factions resulted in the formation of the Republic of Konraq abolishing Konraqs monarchy in the process, Boky was elected as President while Morsi was elected as Prime Minister

Konraq became soon part of the state union with Kökqoyunlu However 5 months into the unions term... Inactivity and a government crisis in Konraq. and the resignation of Mohammad Boky as Premier of Konraq, and the controversial Premiership of Eddy Giwinis Triggered a full-blown revoluition known as the Yezdi revoluition which overthrew the inactive state government of Konraq, Giwinis stepped down and surrendered the control to Morsi. who established the Atabegate of Yzed the name Yezd is inspired from the fictional Khaganate of Yezd from Harry Turtledove's Videssos, Yezd is described as a "cultural and conlang project" by Shady Morsi, Later since the Konraq as too tainted to use and the nation got a cultural and structual facelift removing all refrences to Viadalvia and Turkic cultures, . The country is currently under the control of Yezd National Liberation Movement On April 24th Yzed annexed the renmants of the state union including Kökqoyunlu who was de facto controlled by the state union




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