Template:MainPage News

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News articles

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News articles

Edits below this line will appear in the newsfeed on the main page. There should be five (5) articles in the newsfeed (no more or less). When adding a new article, delete the one at the bottom to ensure that there are eight. Only use one flag or logo to indicate the publisher.

Hasanistan 24 Feb - Shahanshah issues statement condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine; endorsed by Başbuğ and President

  • Following the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine last night, which began with heavy bombardments of civilian areas including in the capital Kyiv, His Imperial Majesty and Commander of the Faithful the Shahanshah Daniyal (may Allah protect him) issued a proclamation...

Hasanistan 18 Feb - As Pavlovian Emperor abdicates, socius agreement between Hasanistan and Pavlov is ended

  • Yesterday, the Pavlovian Senate approved a motion to suspend its current bilateral agreements with Hasanistan as well as Richensland which was requested by Hasanistan in anticipation of the abdication of Pavlovian Emperor Iskender IV. This has ended the Socius Agreement between Hasanistan (as well as Richensland) and Pavlov, ending their associated...

Hasanistan 16 Feb - Hasani Mejlis approves act to support Ukrainian sovereignty and supports end of conflict; recognises supremacy of Shahanshah over Crimea

  • Those present among the Consultative Mejlis have unanimously passed a bill declaring support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and its sovereignty over the disputed regions of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea, as well as condemning Russia's human rights abuses in Crimea, voicing support for a peaceful, negotiated solution between Russia and Ukraine...

Hasanistan 05 Feb - Hasan Çakar retires as President; Prime Minister Mahoning takes over as Acting-President

  • Hasan Çakar has formally retired as President of Hasanistan, being replaced by Prime Minister Chase Mahoning as Acting-President. This has come as part of his intention to allow a new person to hold the presidential office and strengthen Hasanistani democracy. However, he is not fully resigning from Hasani politics and will continue to serve in the...

Hasanistan 23 Jan - Foreign Affairs update 23/01/2021

  • Till the period of 23 December 2022, Hasanistan has signed the following treaties and made the following diplomatic actions...