500 dingen die waarschijnlijker zijn dan een rechtenstudent fraude pleegt (English: "500 Things That Are More Likely Than a Law Student Committing Fraud") is a semi-satirical book written by Shady Morsi Initially published On 23 September 2024 at the online college board of Inholland As the title suggests, the book humorously lists 500 things that are more likely to happen than a law student committing fraud. The book filled with the most mundane events that happend (such as a dog barking, a cat meowing and a laywer defending his client). The book also mentions that the fraud percentages of law students frauding in exams are very low (0,17%). The book also has an appeal to not cheat during exams
These improbable events are divided into five chapters, each focusing on a different theme: General, Politics, Culture, Science, and Law. The book has no copyright (public domain) and is for free to download on Lulu. Though the book is also published on Barnes and Noble, Kiko, Brave New Books and maakjeeigenonderwijsboek.nl with a small fee. Though the publication process is ongoing Morsi also attempted to publish this book in his college libary and considers a hard cover release. Morsi also mentioned the possibility of writing a trilogy, with 1000 Things That Are More Likely Than a Law Student Committing Fraud and 2000 Things That Are More Likely Than a Law Student Committing Fraud. Respectivly
The book was inspired by Morsi’s personal experience of nearly being accused of fraud during an exam, after standing up too early to confirm his attendance. This moment sparked the book as a form of protest against the hasty judgments often made about law students and the strict scrutiny they face during academic assessments. The book was written in 2 nights. with reviewing done by Morsi's girlfriend