2015 Bosmańsk spying scandal

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2015 Bosmańsk spying scandal
DateJanuary 2015
LocationHasanistan and other micronations
Result Scandal exposed
Parties involved in the scandal
Other micronations
Bosmańsk (accused)

In January 2015, an international scandal was sparked after a local Bosmanian news source accused the government of the Polish micronation Bosmańsk of spying on other micronations, including Hasanistan, Hortania and Wensleydale. The alleged motive for the spying operation was to support Bosmanian politicians in gaining power in other states. The Bosmanian intelligence services refused to comment on the allegations.[1]

Following the revelation, Foreign Minister Hasan Çakar contacted the Bosmanian government over the issue and Hasanistan planned to assist in an investigation into the scandal.[1] President Tanju Çakar condemned the act of espionage and vowed to investigate the allegations.[2] The President's full statement on the scandal read:

The confirmation of Bosmańsk spying on our and other nation is not only a grave breach of trust, but also of the privacy rights of the peoples of these nations. Whether or not these actions were sanctioned by the state of Bosmańsk is irrelevant to the attack on our sovereignty. Regardless, our intelligence services will work tirelessly to investigate the allegations and find out who specifically was responsible.[2]

See also
