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Shadyvinkenstein Government-in-Exile
Regering van Shadyvinkenstein in ballingschap
Coat of arms of Shadyvinkenstein
Coat of arms
Motto: Vaderland Eerst! (Fatherland First!)
Capital-in-exileThe Tree
Official languagesDutch, English,
GovernmentGovernment-in-exile under a parliamentary republic
• President
Shady Morsi
• Vice-Presidents
Timo Vink
LegislatureParliament-in Exile
• Foundation
26 December
• Proclaimation of Exile
2012 (de-facto)
26 December 2021 (de-jure)
• (2023) estimate
CurrencyBarter (de-jure)
Euro (de-facto)

the Shadyvinkenstein Government-in Exile often referred to as the Shadyvinkensteiner Society , is an unregisterd non-profit political organization based in the Netherlands, . Its organization is modeled after an elective parliamentary government, composed of a judiciary branch, a legislative branch, and an executive branch.

Founded by Timo Vink and Shady Morsi, the SVGIE was established with the explicit aim of reconstructing the cultural and collective memories of the former state of Shadyvinkenstein. The overarching goal of the government is not only to document and archive the historical legacy but also to facilitate reconnections with the prior citizens of the state, a decade after its dissolution in 2011.The primary focus of this institution is centered around cultural preservation, encompassing the authoring of reports, issuing press releases, administering a network of schools, organizing various cultural activities, and preserving the historical archives of Shadyvinkensteiner heritage.

The Shadyvinkensteini Government-in Exile does not lay claim to the former territory, as of the year 2021, due to its substantial demolition and the erecting of a stone fence on its land, with the original symbolic tree having been cut down. Moreover, the organization does not engage in formal foreign relations with other entities. However, the SVGIE maintains informal relations with the Viadalvian Commonwealth, which extends administrative support to the SVGIE. Of particular significance is the commemoration and honor of the first treaty that Shadyvinkenstein entered into with another entity, namely the Republic of Fieldton.

As of October 31st, 2023, the Parliament of the Shadyvinkenstein Government-in Exile has officially acknowledged Kevin I, an individual who self-proclaimed as the king in exile, as the second and final king of the Kingdom of Shadyvinkenstein.



External links