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Draft Shady Morsi

Proposed Campaign Logos for a Shady Morsi Campaign. Mainly designed by his friends

The Draft Shady Morsi Movement emerged in December 2023 as a political draft initiative with the primary objective of persuading Shady Morsi to undertake a candidacy for the office of President within the framework of the youth organisation of PerspectieF. Morsi's potential candidacy aimed to challenge Jerke Setz during the impending 2024 PerspectieF by-election. The movement concluded following Morsi's formal declaration of his decision not to pursue the presidency. His rationale centered on his reluctance to partake in an electoral process wherein the board had already designated a nominee, characterizing the impending election as a contrived exercise, reminiscent of the 2023 Egyptian presidential election where Egyptian candidates faced constraints in competing. Morsi cited the brevity of the campaign period as a contributing factor to his withdrawal. Additionally, he expressed discontent with incumbent Vice-President Emily Timmer, whom he perceived as inadequately experienced for the role. Notably, PerspectieF's vice president is elected by the board members and is irreplaceable. Morsi advocated for the appointment of Evelijn Zandberg to the vice presidency, emphasizing his preference for her suitability for the position.

The initiation of the draft movement predominantly originated from the right-wing faction within PerspectieF. This faction harbored apprehensions that a Jerke Setz presidency could potentially steer PerspectieF towards a more activist orientation. Concurrently, there were certain progressive members within the organization who lauded Morsi's activism and dedication to pressing issues such as migration and climate change. It is noteworthy, however, that Morsi himself did not align with either conservative or progressive factions rather Morsi was seen as a "boring centrist". that was also seen as an "unifier"


the resignation of the incumbent President Nathánaël Post from his position after a brief six-month tenure at the helm of Perspectief, the youth association affiliated with the Christian Union, has been officially acknowledged. The primary catalyst for his abrupt departure can be attributed to significant internal discord within the youth club. Dissatisfaction among the members was explicitly conveyed to the chairman through various instances of communication on WhatsApp. Regrettably, the content of these communications was characterized by a lack of civility on several occasions, as outlined by President Post.

An illustrative instance highlighted by Post involves Perspectief's decision to partake in a climate celebration as a supportive gesture for a climate march in The Hague. Post, in an attempt to strike a middle ground, chose to attend the celebration but abstain from the march. However, he found himself subject to accusations from both ends of the association spectrum, with criticism from the left for perceived cowardice in not participating in the march and inquiries from the right about the appropriateness of engaging in a "woke," left-wing church service.

Shady Morsi, despite being perceived as the unofficial frontrunner for a prospective board position within PerspectieF, withdrew from the previous election due to commitments related to his college education, compounded by internal discord within the Morsi campaign. Morsi was widely considered as the leading candidate for the position of Board Member Local and Members, with even his opponent conceding to the expectation of a landslide victory for Morsi in the election.

The confluence of factors, encompassing a sense of "faded glory" and Morsi's undefeated status, presented an opportune moment for Morsi supporters to nominate him for a leadership role, be it as President or Secretary. The latter position had become vacant as a consequence of Setz's candidacy for the presidency. Although Morsi, who had served as the acting secretary of his student council, harbored reservations about assuming the role of secretary within PerspectieF, supporters, under the guidance of Robbin Kalkhoven, endeavored to persuade Morsi to accept the position and subsequently challenge Setz in the elections scheduled for 2026. This strategic move was prompted by the recognition that, despite Morsi's considerable political experience, his exposure to board responsibilities was relatively limited.


Morsi is contemplating a potential candidacy for the presidency, yet the obstacle Morsi mainly faced is that there exists uncertainty regarding his ability to prevail over Setz in an electoral contest. This skepticism is particularly pronounced in light of the Setz campaign's emphasis on promoting stability. It is noteworthy that Jens Mostert, the former president, held office for a mere year, and Post, who succeeded Mostert, resigned from the position midterm. Aswell the internal division within PerspectieF Morsi was however known of his extravagant campaigning style. During the election for Local and Members, Mr. Morsi established a dedicated campaign website and assembled a proficient campaign team. His commitment to the cause was evident as he extensively traversed all regions of the Netherlands, garnering significant exposure.

As a result of this widespread outreach, Mr. Morsi emerged as the third most searched candidate affiliated with PerspectieF on Google. Intriguingly, he was occasionally misidentified as a candidate for the presidency.

Noteworthy is the fact that Mr. Morsi's penchant for an extravagant campaign style transcended beyond his initial foray into the political arena. Even in instances where Morsi faced no opposition and was returned unopposed, he continued to engage in robust campaigning activities, including organizing rallies and personally visiting voters. This commitment to an extensive campaign strategy underscored. Morsi's dedication to connecting with the electorate, regardless of the level of competition he faced in various races.

The issue at hand revolved around the absence of a substantial platform or distinctive ideas in favor of Morsi, which did not align with those advocated by Setz. Supporters of Morsi suggested various themes, including a populist approach, a more issue-oriented strategy, and even an insurgent run. However, there was a prevailing consensus that Mr. Setz would likely secure the election, given his experience and the advantage of being crowned. Morsi articulated his appreciation for the concept of a campaign, but expressed uncertainty about his post-election agenda, stating, "I like the idea of a campaign, but once elected, I do not know what to do." Mr. Morsi's personal circumstances were notably more robust at this juncture, and he frequently acknowledged this fact. Ultimately, Mr. Morsi concluded that he lacked the motivation to lead a campaign in an election he opposed,

Morsi simulated various hypothetical polls. Based on conservative vs progressive issues, incumbency and even personal likeness

Strategy Jerke Setz Shady Morsi
Insurgent campaign 60% 40%
Above the fray campaign 57% 43%
Right Wing campaign 60% 40%
Underdog campaign 55% 44%

Morsi's critisism of the by-election

Shady Morsi's critique of the recent by-election stems from his belief that organizing such a divisive electoral process in the aftermath of the president's resignation was ill-advised. Morsi vehemently argued that the by-election exacerbated existing divisions within the organization, and he criticized the board for seemingly ignoring this critical issue. Moreover, Morsi accused the board of neglecting their responsibility to address and resolve the growing divisiveness within the group. Members of PerspectieF, while acknowledging the challenges faced by the board, criticized Morsi's swift judgment and urged him not to hastily dismiss the efforts being made. They contended that the board was genuinely striving to navigate the complexities of the situation. Morsi did not limit his critique to the electoral matters. He singled out Setz for what he perceived as an excessive commitment to PerspectieF, publicly asserting that Setz had no life outside of the organization and the ChristenUnie. Morsi argued that Setz's role as a Municipal Councilor in Assen left him with insufficient time to effectively lead PerspectieF. In response to Morsi's outspoken criticisms, he was removed from the soapbox, prompting fellow members to advise him to address his concerns directly with the individuals involved rather than making public announcements where the accused party cannot defend themselves. Morsi's oratory and accusatory rhetoric can be contextualized within the backdrop of his tenure as a member of the Labour party, During his affiliation with the Labour party, Morsi exhibited a speaking style that resonated with the prevailing norms and expectations of the party The charged language and assertive tone were emblematic of a broader culture within the party, where spirited discourse was commonly utilized as a means of articulating convictions and rallying support for political causes. However, upon transitioning to the Christian Union, a shift in the cultural and ideological landscape became evident. The ethos within the Christian Union, deeply rooted in Christian faith, emphasized the principle of being gentle on the person while maintaining a firm stance on the underlying ideas. This contrasted starkly with Morsi's accustomed style of public speaking, which often carried a personal tone and strong accusations. Those incidents are often refered to as Morsisms

Attempting to offer a solution and after speaking with Setz. Morsi proposed the abolition of the presidential election, suggesting instead a formal unanimous nomination of Setz as president. He cited the October 2022 Conservative Party leadership election as an example of avoiding contentious campaigns within an already divided organization. The board agreed to consider Morsi's proposal during their meetings. However, Morsi's attempt to replace Timmer as vice president with Zandberg faced immediate rejection. The board asserted that Morsi should address his concerns with Timmer directly, rather than attempting to bypass the issue by proposing changes to the leadership structure.


Avondmaal zonder Amstel
The motion being discussed at the PerspectieF congress
Native name Amstel Biermotie
DateOctober 14, 2023 (2023-10-14)
Time18:00-21:15 (UTC)
MotiveTo not serve Amstel Beer at PerspectieF conferences and/or Kick-offs
First reporterC. Flikeweert
Organised byPerspectieF, ChristianUnion-youth
ParticipantsShady Morsi (motion)
A. Oudman (speaking, reading and defending)
E. Zandberg (counter motion)
OutcomeMotion Rejected
10 / 45

31 / 45

4 / 45

Template:Infobox legislation The Amstel Bier Motie, with its official title Avondmaal Zonder Amstel, (English:"Supper without Amstel") is a motion proposed in the General Meeting of PerspectieF. This motion, which has garnered attention within the organization, was introduced by Shady Morsi, a former Duo-Councilor in Schiedam, who has been actively involved with PerspectieF since 2021. The core objective of the motion is to advocate for a ban on Amstel Beer during the organization's future kick-offs and conferences. The motion was a highly debated and tumultuous event causing an unexpected and unprecedented wave of commotion and discussions among members. This motion took center stage and overshadowed many other important political motions which was also introduced by Morsi. Including combating period poverty and a condemnation of Jobbik joining the ECPM

As the debates over the Amstel boycott motion raged on, a counter-motion emerged, from the board suggesting the complete ban of all beer brands. Which was triggered due to the motion's wording. This counter-motion aimed to address the issue by targeting the entire industry and also combating alcholism alltoghether, rather than singling out one particular brand. It was a contentious proposal that sought to eliminate the root cause of the dispute by banning all beer consumption in PerspectieF The counter-motion was eventually struck down by the members of the legislative body. This decision reflected the realization that a blanket ban on beer would be an overreach, After a prolonged period of passionate debates and commotion, the original motion to boycott Amstel was put to a final vote. Surprisingly, it was voted down, leaving Amstel untouched. The decision to reject the motion demonstrated that the general membership believed Amstel was not the sole culprit in the dispute, and that a more nuanced approach was needed to address the underlying issues.

Although initially made as a joke, and due to Morsi's dislike of Amstel Beer, the motion had a substantial and far-reaching impact on PerspectieF and its internal discourse. The controversy surrounding the motion sparked a lively internal debate, highlighting the organization's commitment to democratic principles and its willingness to engage in open and transparent discussions. Ultimately, the discussion about Amstel Beer Motion was seen as one of the "most lively debates" in the organisation and one member described as "one of the most legendary meetings ever"


Shady Morsi, who introduced the motion
Amstel Beer, the beer Morsi strongly dislikes

Shady Morsi who was a duo-councilor in Schiedam for the ChristenUnie was also very involved within the parties youth wing PerspectieF, Morsi sat in PerspectieF's Europe Comitee, Congress Comitee and its think thank, Morsi also sought to further his involvement by running for a board position, and despite him being the frontrunner he withdrew due to commitments related to his college education,

Morsi was before his involvement within PerspectieF member of DWARS, the political youth organization of GreenLeft and served in its education comission. One of the significant developments during Morsi's involvement in DWARS was the introduction of a motion in 2019. This motion aimed to implement a ban on the consumption of Heineken products at all DWARS events and congresses. The rationale behind this motion was grounded in environmental and social concerns, aligning with GreenLeft's principles and ideals. The motion was re-affirmed during a subsequent congress held in 2022. This re-affirmation solidified the organization's commitment to the cause, emphasizing the importance of responsible consumption and sustainable practices.

The motion to ban Heineken at DWARS events served as the primary inspiration for the "Avondmaal zonder Amstel". Though the motion was based on Morsi's personal dislike for Amstel Morsi's aversion to Amstel Beer was evident in his vocal criticism of the brand. He famously likened Amstel beer to "piss" on multiple occasions, drawing attention to its perceived inferior taste and quality. He further emphasized his disdain by noting that "at least real urine is recyclable"


The motion was one of 13 motions introduced during the Kick-off 2023 event held in Gouda. These motions were brought forth by Shady Morsi, Morsi was the sole contributor of motions during the event. However, due to his absence at the convention, (as he was situated in Egypt at the time), he designated A. Oudman to represent him and act as his spokeswoman. A. Oudman, who was a fellow member of PerspectieF and a provincial politician from Groningen offered herself to represent Morsi at the General Meeting, Avondmaal Zonder Amstel was the sixth motion being covered in the General Meeting

Dutch Text

Het congres van PerspectieF, ChristenUnie-Jongeren, in vergadering bijeen op zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 te Gouda,
Constaterende dat:
- PerspectieF streeft naar kwaliteit in haar werk als jongerenorganisatie van de ChristenUnie en heeft als doel om jongeren te betrekken en te inspireren
- Amstel Bier is zo generiek dat het onmogelijk is om het te onderscheiden van een dozijn andere goedkope biermerken
Overwegende dat:
- PerspectieF streeft naar hoogwaardige en zinvolle bijeenkomsten voor haar deelnemers.
- De keuze van dranken tijdens congressen heeft een significante invloed op de ervaring en de professionele uitstraling van het evenement.
- Amstel-bier een veelvoorkomend en populair merk is, maar dat de kwaliteit en uitstraling niet altijd overeenkomen met de doelstellingen van PerspectieF
Verzoekt het bestuur: - Vanaf de volgende congressen en/of Kick-offs om geen Amstel-bier te serveren

English Text

The conference of PerspectieF, Christian Union-Youth, meeting on Saturday, October 14, 2023 in Gouda,
Noting that:
- PerspectieF strives for quality in its work as the youth organization of the ChristenUnie and aims to involve and inspire young people - Amstel Bier is so generic that it is impossible to distinguish it from one dozen other cheap beer brands
- PerspectieF strives for high-quality and meaningful meetings for her participants.
- The choice of drinks during conferences has a significant influence on the experience and the professional appearance of the event.
- Amstel beer is a common and popular brand, but the quality and... appearance does not always match the objectives of PerspectieF
Requests the Board to: - From the next conferences and/or Kick-offs not to serve Amstel beer

The General Board of PerspectieF's pre-advise was judgment of the assembly with the reasoning being: Template:Blockquote


The Chocolade Factory, the Place where the motion was discussed

The PerspectieF General Meeting was held during the Kick-Off event on October 14th in Gouda at the Chocholade Factory a former chocolade factory turned conferance room. The annual kickoff serves as the traditional commencement of the new political year for PerspectieF,The event was marked by its heightened significance due to its alignment with the upcoming Dutch Election. Given this focus, a notable array of CU dignitaries and prominent figures graced the occasion. Among those in attendance were Anja Haga, Member of the European Parliament ; Mirjam Bikker, the party leader; Pieter Grinwis, and Nico Drost ' both MP's, Carla Dik-Faber, Former MP and Ankie van Tatehove, the party's chairwoman. The kick-off offered their participants workshops in campaining, a session about the European Parliament, a discussion about Direct action and in public speeking

The general meeting commenced after dinner around 18:00 local time and was characterized by several essential segments, including amendments, presentations of plans from the board, and a dedicated question hour where members had the opportunity to seek clarification and raise questions The heart of the General Meeting was the discussion and voting on various motions proposed during the event. The first five motions on the agenda were voted upon uneventfully, However, the tranquility of the meeting was disrupted due to this particular motion.

This motion seemed to draw substantial attention and debate. It is essential to note that "Avondmaal zonder Amstel" is an intriguing and cryptic phrase, and it didnt represent the organization's culture or agenda. as PerspectieF, is known for its serious and professional demeanor, historically maintained a reputation for a lack of emphasis on satire within its activities. This characterization stemmed from its identity as a confessional-oriented group, highlighting its serious approach to political engagement. Unlike its more left-leaning counterpart, DWARS, PerspectieF was seen as a bastion of gravity and formality,(such as members wearing suits and ties at every meeting) attracting members with a keen focus on professional political discourse rather than the utilization of satire. The organization's ethos primarily drew a demographic more aligned with serious political ideologies rather than the satirical and student like humor dominated ambiance that characterized DWARS. This distinction delineated PerspectieF as a contrasting hub for politically minded individuals seeking a more orthodox and somber approach to youth engagement within the political landscape.

The motion was put forward by A. Oudman (who covered the other motions aswell), presenting a statement authored by Shady Morsi, The statement articulated the organization's commitment to delivering high-quality experiences while aiming to offer substantial meaning and inspiration to the younger demographic and that Amstel's "inferior quality didnt fit in the goals of PerspectieF" In response to this statement, the board deliberated and provided their response,

A. Oudman emerged as a defender of the motion, advocating for its implementation. And a lot of questions where asked. However, the wording of the proposal raised concerns among some members, including Incumbent Board Member E. Zandberg, specifically regarding the broader implications on drink choices during conferences. Zandberg expressed a more stringent perspective, suggesting the complete abolition of alcoholic beverages during PerspectieF events. She argued that the selection of drinks wielded a substantial influence on the overall experience and professional image of these gatherings. Zandberg even went as far as suggesting the elimination of beer entirely from conferences organized by PerspectieF, However, Zandberg's counter motion encountered notable opposition and was ultimately withdrawn, reflecting its unpopularity among the organization's members. The ensuing debates regarding the initial ban on Amstel Beer concluded with a vote, wherein the motion was ultimately rejected. The voting outcome stood at 31 against the ban and 10 in favor with 4 absentions. Mainly "because Amstel was not the only one who should/could be boycotted".This discussion also unintendedly arranged to adjourn at 20:30 local time. However, owing to extensive discussions and unforeseen deliberations, the meeting continued beyond the scheduled time, concluding at 21:15.


14 October 2023
Motion 6, Avondmaal zonder Amstel

Motion proposed by Shady Morsi presented, read and defended by A. Oudman
Absolute majority: 25/45
Vote Votes
☑Y In Favor
10 / 45
☒N Against
31 / 45
4 / 45
Vote Comission
3 / 45


The motion, despite its satirical nature, sparked intense debate within PerspectieF, a reaction that differed significantly from the reception typically accorded to serious political motions., Oudman, expressed surprise at the level of attention, remarking that the motion generated more discussion than expected. Oudman was quoted saying, "I expected the laundry list of substantive motions to be more intense. It's insane that this one gets the most coverage."

The rapid escalation of the motion caught many off guard, with Morsi particularly shocked by its trajectory. "The situation took an unexpected turn when a board member suggested a complete ban on alcohol, expressing dismay at what they perceived as a significant misunderstanding of the motion".

The impact extended beyond PerspectieF, drawing reactions from other members of various political youth organizations. Xenia Minnaert, chairwoman of PINK, expressed amazement at the unfolding events. Furthermore, Zandberg reacted to Minnaert's response by stating that she had "survived a Congress and motion of lamentation,"

Criticism of the motion was vocal, with detractors dismissing it as trivial. Some opponents argued that the motion, centered around beer, was inconsequential, unnessesary and stupid stating phrases like "Beer is Beer" and expressing sentiments such as "I thought that was somewhat of a waste of time." Many critics highlighted that the motion added little to the organization's overarching goals, leading to some labeling it as "the worst motion ever written."

Conversely, proponents of the motion highlighted the invaluable impact of the discussions it generated. Morsi aimed to infuse PerspectieF with a more youthful and inclusive spirit, emphasizing the importance of fostering engaging discussions among the organization's members. Morsi articulated a vision for PerspectieF, stating that it should not solely focus on serious matters. A member even send a letter personally thanking Morsi for the "for the energetic General Meeting, it was legendary" Morsi advocated for a balance, mentioning, "PerspectieF shouldn't be that serious all the time. We are young as well, and some tomfoolery is allowed." Morsi aimed to create a more vibrant environment for political discourse within the youth organization.Morsi was amazsed at the unexpected focus on beer, expressing disbelief that his political legacy within PerspectieF would be tied to such a subject. He highlighted the significance of the organization in providing a platform for youthful perspectives, explaining, "You can sometimes be a student at the political youth organization. This, however, is unthinkable in mature politics once you are representing our mother party (ChristianUnion)."

The motion's contentious nature and subsequent discussions not only brought attention to the nature of political discourse within the youth organization but also emphasized the evolving role of young voices in shaping political narratives. Despite the controversy surrounding the motion, it served as a catalyst for important conversations regarding the balance between serious political engagement and the inclusion of more lighthearted or unconventional topics within youth political groups.

See Also

  • Krokettenmotie - a motion proposed in the municipal council of Amstelveen on 25 November 1993 by future Prime Minister of the Netherlands Jan Peter Balkenende, The motion called for the right of members of the municipal council to a croquette if a council meeting lasts until after 23:00. It was meant as a joke, but because the other parties agreed, the motion was adopted and is still in force
  • Polish Beer-Lovers' Party