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14 Jan - [https://hasanistan-gov.blogspot.com/2022/01/presidential-decree-applies.html Presidential decree applies international environmental agreements; declares climate emergency]
{{flagicon|Hasanistan}} 15 Jun - [https://www.hasanistan.world/2024/06/hasanistan-broadcasting-company.html Hasanistan broadcasting company rebranded; new YouTube channel established]
*President Hasan Çakar has issued a presidential decree implementing the provisions from various international and UN-wide environmental agreements to set a base framework for Hasanistani environmental policy and support the environmentalist aspect of Article 28 of the Constitution. In addition, Hasanistan has declared a climate emergency through...
*The Hasanistan Radio and Television Organisation will be rebranded as the "Hasanistan Today and Tomorrow Network". A new YouTube channel has also been opened for the now-renamed Hasanistan Today and Tomorrow Network in hopes of spreading the audience of broadcasting by Hasanistan...
04 Jan - [https://hasanistan-gov.blogspot.com/2022/01/hasanistan-issues-condolences-on.html Hasanistan issues condolences on passing of Bogdanoff brothers]
{{flagicon|Hasanistan}} 30 May - [https://www.hasanistan.world/2024/05/inactive-political-parties-deregistered.html Inactive political parties deregistered; new regulations for parties planned]
*President Hasan Çakar has issued a statement sending his condolences on the alleged deaths of the Bogdanoff twins. The Bogdanoff brothers were the founders of Bogdanoffist Thought and were believed to have run the world. The two died within 6 days of each between December and January, according to French media.The statement reads as follows: "The...
*The Hasanistani government has deregistered four political parties and will consider them defunct. The parties to be deregistered shall be the Pirate Party, the Feudalist Party, the Moralist Party and the Eniakist Party. The Hasanistani government plans in the future to require parties to register yearly with a government register and have a minimum...
01 Jan - [https://hasanistan-gov.blogspot.com/2022/01/2022-elections-postponed-but-cakar-to.html 2022 elections postponed but Çakar to step down in February]
{{flagicon|Hasanistan}} 27 May - [https://www.hasanistan.world/2024/05/basbug-criticises-video-game-shutdowns.html Başbuğ criticises video game shutdowns]
*President Hasan Çakar has announced that the 2022 general election originally planned to be held on 5 February will be postponed until November due to the current COVID crisis, although stated that he will step down as President on 5 February and Chase Mahoning will take over as Acting-President.President Hasan Çakar stated that current COVID-related...
*Başbuğ Hasan Çakar has issued a statement regarding the controversy of online video games being closed without any support for continued offline or community-run play and the removal of the right of players to enjoy them after they are closed. The controversy recently erupted after the servers of the 2014 racing game "The Crew" were shutdown and publisher...
22 Dec - [https://hasanistan-gov.blogspot.com/2021/12/hasanistan-signs-historic-agreement.html Hasanistan signs "historic" agreement with Konraq-Kökqoyunlu]
{{flagicon|Hasanistan}} 1 Apr - [https://www.hasanistan.world/2024/04/hasanistan-to-organise-2024-census.html Hasanistan to organise 2024 census]
*Today, neighbours Hasanistan and the State Union of Konraq and Kökqoyunlu ratified a treaty to enhance their already-close bilateral relations. The agreement expanded the so-called "Batyraq Pact" (not to be confused with the Batyr Bloc) to include open borders in the Greater Hasanistan region, a free trade area and cooperation in science, intelligence...
*The local government of Hasanistan is planning to hold a census on subjects of the Great Turan State and residents, counting the total amount and collecting relevant information on their demographics. It is believed the census will be held in preparation for potential local elections and general elections, which the Hasanistani government has expressed...
21 Dec - [https://hasanistan-gov.blogspot.com/2021/12/election-poll-21112021.html Election poll 21/11/2021]
{{flagicon|Hasanistan}} 29 Mar - [https://www.hasanistan.world/2024/03/hasanistan-leader-issues-statement-on.html Hasanistan leader issues statement on Gaza conflict and other recent events]
*Following the announcement of a general election in February 2022, the Batyr Times has released the results of the first poll on political party support. Candidates were asked which of the currently active or hypothetical parties do they support, however it should be stated that no candidacy has formally been confirmed. The sample size of the poll...
*The Leader of Hasanistan and Başbuğ Hasan Çakar has issued a statement on the recent phase of fighting between Israeli and Palestinian forces since October last year. In the statement, Çakar called for peace, a permanent ceasefire, the delivering of aid to and opposing the ethnic cleansing of blockaded Gazans, release of prisoners on both sides...

Latest revision as of 15:48, 16 June 2024

News articles

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News articles

Edits below this line will appear in the newsfeed on the main page. There should be five (5) articles in the newsfeed (no more or less). When adding a new article, delete the one at the bottom to ensure that there are eight. Only use one flag or logo to indicate the publisher.

Hasanistan 15 Jun - Hasanistan broadcasting company rebranded; new YouTube channel established

  • The Hasanistan Radio and Television Organisation will be rebranded as the "Hasanistan Today and Tomorrow Network". A new YouTube channel has also been opened for the now-renamed Hasanistan Today and Tomorrow Network in hopes of spreading the audience of broadcasting by Hasanistan...

Hasanistan 30 May - Inactive political parties deregistered; new regulations for parties planned

  • The Hasanistani government has deregistered four political parties and will consider them defunct. The parties to be deregistered shall be the Pirate Party, the Feudalist Party, the Moralist Party and the Eniakist Party. The Hasanistani government plans in the future to require parties to register yearly with a government register and have a minimum...

Hasanistan 27 May - Başbuğ criticises video game shutdowns

  • Başbuğ Hasan Çakar has issued a statement regarding the controversy of online video games being closed without any support for continued offline or community-run play and the removal of the right of players to enjoy them after they are closed. The controversy recently erupted after the servers of the 2014 racing game "The Crew" were shutdown and publisher...

Hasanistan 1 Apr - Hasanistan to organise 2024 census

  • The local government of Hasanistan is planning to hold a census on subjects of the Great Turan State and residents, counting the total amount and collecting relevant information on their demographics. It is believed the census will be held in preparation for potential local elections and general elections, which the Hasanistani government has expressed...

Hasanistan 29 Mar - Hasanistan leader issues statement on Gaza conflict and other recent events

  • The Leader of Hasanistan and Başbuğ Hasan Çakar has issued a statement on the recent phase of fighting between Israeli and Palestinian forces since October last year. In the statement, Çakar called for peace, a permanent ceasefire, the delivering of aid to and opposing the ethnic cleansing of blockaded Gazans, release of prisoners on both sides...